Sleep is the foundation of all wellbeing. With the best night’s sleep, we can be our best selves. With deeper sleep, we can restore. With peaceful sleep, we can tackle anything the following day brings. And with natural sleep, we can lean into the natural wonders that lie at the heart of holistic sleep health and wellness.
On National Sleep Day 2025, we are delighted to be launching an exciting new opportunity - for both women and men - to feel and experience the benefits that come from perfect sleep.
We are seeking people from across the UK to apply to be part of a two week sleep trial to prove with data what our customers are telling us – that under an Ava Innes duvet they are sleeping longer, more soundly, and with reduced disturbances.
In December of last year, Ava Innes was awarded funding to launch our biggest sleep experiment to date. We put to the judges of Scottish Edge: what if we found over 50 people, here in the UK, who are willing to independently test their current duvet vs an Ava Innes cashmere guard & wool duvet?
So compelling was the data that our customers had been sharing from their own sleep success stories, the judges gave Ava Innes the green light to invest in sleep tracking equipment to capture the quality of sleep.
As of now, this trial is open to the public. This is your opportunity to test your sleep wellness score against your current duvet, and then compare it with an Ava Innes cashmere guard duvet.
Visit our official Sleep Trial page to discover more, and to sign up.
If you would like to speak with a member of our team about taking part, please contact us on or +44 (0)1343 611740.